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Love the update, just a few suggestions (not sure what you have planned already of this).

I think the time to make bigger games feels too long, and the ability to research is too short. The nintendo is out and I already have everything researched, just feels a bit early, but I also start a medium sized game and it takes 10 minutes in real time with fastforward on to complete, maybe a faster fastforward could solve this?

Hiring good employees is tedious with no downside for just hiring and firing until you find someone with good stats. It's also not very hard to not need to care about money after one game that you just dump all your money into advertising for.

I think having the notifications pop up instead of needing to click to see when a console comes out would also be effective.

I think it'd be cool if research additions also gave unique bonuses for using them, maybe you can research certain engine tools that will make certain additions take less time to implement.

Overall, I like the changes and look forward to what you have in store.

maybe some research things could be locked behind a time wall, but at least for ingame time it is realistic to take a long time to make AAA games i think.

like nintendo also takes a year or even more to make a AAA game

It's moreso the real time that it takes, not the ingame time

Deleted 58 days ago

I’m not sure what kind of browser or device you are using, so this might be a bug or a problem with that specific browser. After clicking “Start Game,” try entering developer mode in your browser by pressing F12 or CTRL + Shift + I. In the console tab, there might be an error message explaining what went wrong. If there is an error, you can report it on Discord or here so I can fix it.

If you don’t see any error messages in the browser’s developer mode, try changing your browser or using a different device. I know these are not ideal solutions, but without knowing the underlying problem, I can’t assist you further. Let me know about any progress.

Hey, can I make a Reddit community for this game? Please


Hi, I created a subreddit named r/TechGiants. Would you like to become a moderator?

cool, now we even have reddit


i decided to link the discord server in the reddit


the subreddit is for now reason banned

yeah I saw that. weird.

it was because i posted a link and reddit didn’t like that…

it is unbanned now



(1 edit) (+1)

if any Germans may move here, Ich grusse euch. 

in unserem discord server giebt es eine deutsch ubersetzung.

(mods funktionieren nur in der heruntergeladenen windows verison)


One problem right now is a game can generate infinite sales from a platform. Maybe add a system that compares the number of games sold to the number of copies of the platform sold and decreases the number of sales in the day by that amount?

Hi Tankey, this is a well known problem. It’s on my to do list to fix. Thanks for the feedback.


Hey I think that system is in the game tho, it only breaks when you use advertising otherwise the sales of a game never exceed the sales of the console

You are right, it’s in the game. Although the simulations are not watertight, you can still break the game, especially when it comes to advertising. There have been some improvements to mitigate this issue. You can check the open beta versions on Discord to see the difference.

I just imagine it like they're so hyped up that they buy it not even noticing they don't have the game console or that they bought a port of it

Actually about this ports could be really good Plus reviews like you have to develop your own storyline and if it doesn't make sense you'll get low reviews but if it does higher and a little rarely you can get plus one star randomly this can't stack

The rarely is not the only way to get pretty good five-star reviews make a storyline that makes a ton of sense when you really think about it maybe add some foreshadowing and boom five star reviews have them appear every month or so as an average and that's for next month of sales

is there a discord there we can talk easier

Hi Chris, I’ve just created a Discord server. You can join it here.

(2 edits)

are or will the old versions be available to download as well? 

 i wonder how it changed and how it looked before i first played it.

also, do you have a discord server for this game or something? 

or maybe a telegram group ?

(im sorry for all the comments btw, it is almost only me…)

No, the older versions are not available for download, but I might still have screenshots of them. I’ve also created a Discord server, which you can join here (Discord Link). I will share the screenshots on Discord when I find them.


Este jogo tem muito potencial e estou ansioso para jogá-lo 10/10

observação. Adorei o design inovador do jogo

and it will probably only continue to get better, i think the next  update will be amazing. i wonder what will be added :)


i will start the request, we can make one respond thread with the awnsers of long term players. 

i am living in Switzerland (altough im currently in japan for 1 year because of my student exchange.

i think i can consider myself a long term player

I was wondering how Japanese fits into the mix. I rarely come across a polyglot, so it’s nice to know the backstory.


i wonder from witch countries the player base mostly comes?

i am so hyped for the update, i check the game almost every day!

good luck with development :)

(1 edit)

I believe most of the game traffic comes from the US, Canada, Germany, UK, Australia, and Brazil. Although the analytics information is limited, I’m not sure if these are the countries where long term players come from (Anyone who has played the game for more than 4 hours). If anyone is a long term Tech Giants player, please do leave a comment. I would love to know where you are from.

interesting to hear, i started a post where all the long term players can write their nationalities.

i wonder what will bbedit considered a long term player? 

10-20 hours or to come back after a few days? 

or maybe even just having multiple runs.

well who knows.


Players who spend 10 to 20 hours and complete multiple playthroughs could be considered lifelong fans of Tech Giants. As a developer, discovering players like yourself feels somewhat magical.

this made me smile :)

its me again, i’ve returned.

some time ago a user said something about a bug that makes him go bankkrupt, i have found it, when you start a new game after playing one round already (and bought the office) you keep that office and the 100k per month cost. 

so play, get the big office. press go to home menu and start a new game, the office will stay.

one can work around / Avoide it by refreshing the web page.                         the save wont be lost and the bug does not occur. 

(have not tested on windows because i am in school )

Thank you! You pinpointed exactly where the bug might occur. It’s always the save system, maybe I should stop taking shortcuts when writing code.

(2 edits)

your welcome, it took quite the time to figure out as well :)

but its better than doing nothing and i had fun playing the game so a win win i guess.

and again, thanks for the nice game. i would have been bored manny hours without it.  (and i enjoy finding bugs and breaking the game too)

maybe i can make a Japanese translation at some point and test out the mod support. or i could try to make a german port (my native language) i would only need to figure out how to write the file that the game could use it.

Sounds great, although I would advise waiting a bit longer before creating mods. I might make some changes that could break mod support and backwards compatibility.

okay, i will wait

Windows version is almost identical to the Web version, you won't need to test it.


i will test it anyways when i have the chance, its not that much work anyways


i tested id, its the same. 

i found a new bug tough, i don’t know how it happened yet.

i pressed some things and did some things with the home screen and save and then i had nan money with nan as every number.

(1 edit)

NaN is not a number so yeah sometimes the computer can just mess up and...NaN

Yeah this was slowing me down a lot in my second run after I went bankrupt I was like what in the world is causing this to happen and then I figured it out all by myself yay me for figuring out something who someone figured out 2 months ago woooooooo

(3 edits)

i have now cracked the 40 hour mark, any one with more time on this game?

(i will stop for some time since i have reached everything  (i think))

something small that i noticed missing for me in this legit run is that i can’t see the number of games sold for games that aren’t in the top 10.

i soul appreciate a feature (a second graph or a button that changes the graph) to see the numbers of copies sold in an specific time window (like the revenue) and also to see the in total sold  copies


Understood, thank you.

the fastest i can doo to get to 1b with 2 total games is 15 february 1979 

i sold 28 million copy’s for the pem

maybe this is useful to you?

i also made  500k with a text based game without sound on the ataru and no ads, 0 hype.

i don’t know how good for gameplay it would be to make it that for example text based games aren’t good on the ataru (maybe in an realistic difficulty)

this one ^ i specifically talk about here because its not the technical aspect of the console that can’t doo it but just that it probably wouldn’t be that liked based on the fact that the thing has a controller.

(besides there would be a feature to make your own accessories of course)

i think it would also be interesting to be able to open a publishing service like to be able to publish games on consoles yourself if you doo that and maybe even publish other games under your name. (i hope i’m not saying that twice)

much love out of school , enderlais / hbanana. 

ps : don’t take the critique personally please, i’m only trying to look at the game  objectifly and trying to talk about bugs and realism points, i think what you have done here is wonderful, so please let me know how you feel about it and if i should stop pr was rude by accident, i don’t wanna be rude.

You’ve raised some excellent points. I must admit that I had overlooked the idea of incorporating different types of companies, such as publishers, game developers, and semiconductor manufacturers. While these won’t be included in the next version, I hope to introduce them in future updates. Initially, I focused on game development, but eventually, players will have the opportunity to run various types of companies.

I genuinely appreciate any feedback, whether positive or negative. Constructive criticism helps identify areas for improvement and enhances the overall gaming experience. Please feel free to share your experiences, I value them all!


nice to hear that the different features will come in the future, it makes total sense to focus on one thing for the time being and make that really good first, well balanced and feature rich. 

it’s better to release one complete and high quality feature  (i refer to the whole game making part as a feature)  then multiple, poorly optimized features.

so i think it’s a good idea to polish the game making mechanics first before implementing the rest.

will there be interaction between the different companies?

i’m sorry for going do much in detail all the time and writing such long comments Xp


I was thinking of allowing players to manage multiple companies at once, similar to having a holding company. Players could also interact with other companies or competitors, making deals or selling their own companies. For now, I’ll keep the scope limited, but hopefully, these ideas will make it into the game in the future.

this sounds amazing this has grate potential!


this concept is kinda like the game i’ve always wanted but didn’t exist. i hope that it will all work out

Hey sorry to reply again but about that multiple company point in the beginning could you have it so that you could select all the different companies so I can instead of beginning as a game developer you could run a factory for example or maybe be inspired by the iPhone and start creating phones beginning around 2007 things that make sense like that now that we're starting the form a little bit of a story

Yes, absolutely. That’s the plan. I just hope I can create more content in time to ship the next version with factories and hardware development.

Yeah although the tease was a bit early with the whole hardware development skill like employee that you could hire


As for how much money you’ve made or how many units you’ve sold, I can tell that you’ve cracked the code. However, I believe I should rework the game mechanics a little and make it a tad bit more difficult. What do you think?


i think it’s a grate idea to make the game more challenging (as long it stays somewhat realistic)  

i love having challenges, it makes a game more fun in my opinion.

i think it could take quite a bit of difficulty more since with that technique of mine  it takes almost no skill or time to “beat” the game.

if it gets to hard for other players i would recommend making it possible to choose the difficulty. (like maybe a harder ai or a more difficult to enter market especially as a self publisher)

will there be more detailed game design in the future. Like for example choosing what aspects get more importance and development ( like more engine or more graphics). i’m looking forward to how this turned out.

but i agree, make this game more difficult. i am looking forward to the challenge.

i wonder if we will get an update next month…

or a dev log, i wonder how you are and what is happening with the game at the moment .

(or its a secret of course)


The development progress for the next update has been slow. I was busy with college and my final exams. Hopefully, I will have more time to work on it in June.


nice, i didn’t know you where in collage. i wish you good luck with these exams. 

i don’t wanna pressure you into working on this game, take your time  and go at your pace. i’m just a silly user.

(1 edit)

i just found out there is a mods button when you download the game.

 i don't think there are any mods yet but i think its a cool idea. 

can you tell me how that works or how to make one?

At the moment, the only type of mods supported are language/translation mods. You can drop a few JSON files in this directory: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Tech Giants\Mod, and then enable the mod in-game.

I have been experimenting with mods to allow players to add more content or customize platforms, features, and other aspects. I will write a more detailed devlog when it’s ready and can do more than just handle language and translations.

Oh cool !!

in case you need any beta testers, i would of course be willing to participate. 

Thank you for the offer. I will notify you when beta testing begins.


thank you! 

you can contact eighter of my accounts enderlais or hbanana  


nice game btw

i can’t wait for the next version of this game!!! it’s amazing

i hope the feature will stay that you can develop games for discontinued consoles!  although i think you should limit the sales to the sales of the system or at least somewhat bind them,  had over 1 billion copy’s sold of a game for the pem.

it would also be nice if you could influence the units sold of the consoles, for example if you release a few good and verry successful games there will be more units of the consoles sold as well. and maybe they’ll even be discontinued later.      

i think the game is verry easy, maybe you could add different difficulties so every one can enjoy it on their lvl, for my first play through the difficulty was verry good.

i also hope to see more content later like being able to develop for the pc platform or more consoles and maybe even porting old games to different platforms or something like that.

i also like the realism of being able to publish games on your own on some platforms and being unable to on others. 

maybe a good feature would be to lock some options like 3d graphics for a console like the ataru since i doubt it could handle that.

i really love the graphics the simplicity makes it run nicely on even older devices or in web browsers for even ipads. 

and i heard about the feature that was once planned to make your own hardware, it’s a little sad that this won’t make it but it sounded like a cool concept, you could connect that with making hardware requirements for specific game features. 

i’m happy to continue testing this game the faster time to reach money till the end of time was in 2 years btw… 

realease a simple ataru game and then use the money to buy advertisements for a dc-80 game that you publish by yourself.

after that you pick a platform and make a text based game, i also selected sounds, make the size AAA and market it to death. you again self publish and can sell the game for 50 bucks or something because of it being so big. it only takes verry little time to make because it is largely text and so i made 1B profit in 1 month.

please let me know what you think and i will be looking forward to that update a lot.

First of all, thank you for playing the game! It’s amazing to hear that people are enjoying it. I never expected players to engage in multiple playthroughs, so its mind blowing that you’ve spent more than 20 hours playing. I appreciate your suggestions, and some of them might even make it into the next update.

I've spent lots of time at school with this game over the last 3 days (when i first discovered this game).

for me its amazing that it is a possibility that a programmer interacts like that with the community. i think that's verry cool.    And that you let yourself inspire by the community is also verry nice, not many people have that ability and many get offended when you make suggestions. (not implying that you have to include them, just that you have an amazing character).

i am already really hyped for the next update and will look forward to it !!

i hope it brings more content so i can spend more time on this game, this is probably one of the best browser games i have ever played, with an outstanding quality and potential.

i have invested hours to also test how the game breaks and when (like with the text based AAA games breaking everything)                     i really enjoyed doing that and hope that breaking the game like that somewhat helps. 

I'm sadly not smart enough to make something my self, so i highly respect the people that doo and make it. 

ps : the hbanana account is my school account so this is my real account.

Your compliments and encouragement mean a lot to me. Players like you inspire me to keep working on this project. I hope that playing the game won’t interfere with your school and studies. Best wishes!


Thats nice to hear ! Then i will keep making more coments over time when the new updates release.

don't worry, my grades are good enough .


Besides, writing encuramging coments is the least one can do when they really like a game.

and good games just deserve support.


lol I also found this game while in school 


is 1T at may 1983 a bit excessive?


now 2T at 1985


now 3T at 1987

not excessive enough lol :P

we now have a discord server by the way (i know i have said this before


There is a bug where I get bankrupt every month even though I only have one person working with me, and I start the game with the upgraded office. Please fix.

Thanks!- FoxTornado


This could be a bug, but remember, the upgraded office costs 100k per month. You have to make sure you can afford it. If you only have a single employee, you don’t necessarily need to upgrade the office. It’s not going to give you any buffs; it’s just going to have more spaces so you can hire more employees.


It's not that, when I start the game, it will buy the 100k office for me, and even without the 100k office, the game will have me go bankrupt at random even if I have like millions of dollars (This can't not be a bug)

doesn’t happen to me after 4 plays and about 20 hours of playtime

i need to correct myself, i was able to recreate the bug

Very fun, though marketing is op. You should also limit units sold to the amount of that console sold. I have 30m copies of a game sold for a console that has only sold 3m.

(1 edit)

:D 2.45B funds at Sept 19, 1985 02:00 AM (In game)
This game is so fracking addicting...

Question: How many game creation options are there? Example: I have Procedural Gen out of no where. Same with Multiplayer, How many of these options are there?


I’m glad you enjoyed it. There are 20 options/features, and the last one unlocks in 1992.


oh no wonder I can get anything in 2008

Whats the last one, I think it's either crossmulti-player or platformer.

Just a suggestion: Can you add like, a series type thing, were you can make a game series. Like I have a game called "The Legend of The Secret" and I wanna make a second one, that actually ties into the last game. I'm not rushing you or anything. Just an idea! :DDDD

Love game


Absolutely! The creation of game franchises and sequels is being worked on. Hopefully, it’s going to be available in the upcoming update.

Thanks for reply love you!

amazing to hear


love the new update! Here’s some things I like and some bugs I found nd some things I would like to see added.

Additions I like 

 1.  Advertising and hype: this has pretty much fixed the absolute money drop  after a while playing that I experienced a while back.

2.  Notifications: right now it probably is in development, but I like it so far!

Bugs I found 

 1.  Advertising=infinite money

2.  Opposing companies are publishing games on consoles that cannot self-publish.

3. Notifications delete things about your games when you go into the main menu.

4. I had 10 billion copies of a game on the Atari 2600 that at the time only had around 1.5 million consoles sold.

Things I would like to see added

1. A super speed option: it would only work when you aren’t making a game and it would make the game go 5x faster.

2. Can you re-add the income this week I think it was called? It was pretty useful to me.

3. Can you add something that randomizes if your game will flop or be a hit and how much so it doesn’t feel so repetitive?

So yeah. I hope these are considered and I will be checking on this game when it updates next!

Hi Shark, sorry for the late response. I love your suggestions and will try to implement a few of them in the next update. And yes, I admit the advertising is broken. Hopefully, some of these bugs will be fixed by the next update. Thanks.

No problem!

Idk what issues you have logged to solve, but I sold 50 million copies of a game on a system that sold 200k systems


Thank you for bringing this to my attention! It’s definitely a bug.


very lovely and cool game. keeping my eye on it to see future updates. i know u have a lot of ideas to add and it takes time. but it would be nice to give employees a rise to make them work more. keep it up :)


I’ll keep your suggestion in mind for future versions. Stay tuned!

what will hardware skill be used for, and how do I unlock the "features" area, because it says I don't have the skill. Another thing, add bigger team buildings, and maybe a way to make game consoles. This game is fun, and I can't wait to see what you do with it!

The hardware skill is from an older build of the game. It was an experimental part of the game where it was used to build hardware components such as CPUs and other chips. Unfortunately, that part of the game wasn’t completed and did not make it into version 0.1.x. I guess I forgot to remove it.

You don’t necessarily need these skills when selecting features in the feature area. However, if your team lacks sufficient skills to develop a feature, there will be a development time penalty. So, it’s advisable to have team members with relevant skills by hiring employees who possess them. But keep in mind that it’s not mandatory.

Regarding your other suggestions, they are mostly under development, and it will take some time before they are implemented in the game. I appreciate your patience, and in the meantime, why not follow us to receive updates when newer versions are released?

Quick question i'm trying to make my 8th game but it won't let me Create it iv'e put in the name the platform, features, ui, narrative, graphics, audio, game play, and technology is this a glitch or am I doing something wrong please tell me.


You aren’t doing anything wrong. I believe it’s a bug. Have you selected 3D graphics? If so, that might be the issue. I suggest selecting either text-based or 2D graphics to develop a game.


Hi kingsip0, I have just released a patch. I hope it resolves your issue.

Thanks Rebelliu



It worked btw

hello Rebellium, thanks for keeping the game updated and kepping touch with the community! by the way when do we unlock new research things for consoles?


Thank you for playing! The community here has been incredibly supportive, and I’m grateful. Research is a part of the next big update that I’m working on. As for the launch of the next update, I hope to release it in May.

Incredible! Thanks!


cool, researching things is the new update ? 

looking forward to it.

the game was fun to start with but eventually it gets too easy and my games are selling hundreds of billions. You can set prices ridiculously high and it makes tons of money. I am capped at my team size also. Im also interested which engine is this made with?

The game does not use any game engines. It’s purely coded using web technologies and is essentially a website. It uses Svelte + Typescript for the web version, which is later converted to Windows using Tauri. The primary reason for coding it from scratch was that traditional game engines are not ideally suited for games that are predominantly User Interfaces.

Yea i was wondering if it was a web project because all of the buttons and stuff looked like it that's why i asked. Im interested in making a game like this, how long is the code for the pure logic side of things?

I would estimate that the logic side of the game comprises approximately 3,000 lines of code, while the supporting user interface (UI) accounts for 5,000 lines of code. However, this doesn’t fully capture the entire picture. The complexity of the code varies across different parts of the game. Leveraging web technologies likely saved me around 10,000 lines, and using Svelte, in particular, shaved off another 5,000 lines. Ultimately, the heavy lifting is handled by web browsers and Svelte.

thats interesting, thanks for replying. Maybe ill try to make a with web tech, although i dont know much about svetle and setting up all the buttons and stuff would probably be frustrating with just code

(1 edit)

awesome game hope you make it better :)

also made it to 1 Billion funds with 25 games and in the year 2001

you probably already thought of this, but maybe as the years ago by and you are introduced to new technologies you unlock more genres like horror or romance  other than the ones you already have, idk something like that would be cool   :)


I don’t want to reveal too much, but I’m currently working on the next major version of the game, which includes a Research Tree with new features and genres. I hope you check it out when that version is released.

I got $1 billion in 1980 with 4 games, by just using an insane amount of advertising


I like this game! But some things:

- How long does a game keeps on the market? Even when i sell way less, the publishers keep it on sale;

- It said that Orange II was discontinued but I still can create a game for it? Do you plan to end support for the console when it is discontinued or a few more weeks are given to finish the last projects of any competition (Assuming you don't make any games until then);

-  It still is easy to make a lot of money and get on the TOP 10 on the leaderboard. Do you plan to add competitors to produce more games to have competition? Or any other plan?

- Publishers keep games on the market for approximately three months, even if they aren’t generating any sales.

- When a platform is discontinued, game developers can continue creating games for it. Historically, consoles have received new games even after being discontinued for approximately a year. However, you are correct—it’s unusual to see a console that’s discontinued still being an option for game development. Perhaps in future updates, we might remove them or at least indicate that they have been discontinued.

- Certainly! We will introduce more competition. In each version, I adjust the difficulty to strike a balance—some players find it quite easy to make money, while others find it challenging.

Thank you for replying! I'm glad this is being worked on.

I tested and the games are keep beyond 3 months. Did you mean 3 years?

Again, thanks for answering.

Hello ImaginiJM, I just checked: if a game doesn’t generate sales for 4 months, it’s automatically discontinued. However, sometimes the graph appears close to zero sales, and hovering over it reveals the actual value for that month. If the graph consistently shows zero sales for at least 4 months or more, but the game is still sold, it’s likely a bug. I will look into it. Thank you for testing it! 

Really fun game, im officially a company who has over 1B in funds

I think there could be a scoring system,This rating is how satisfied people are with the game right now.Players can change their rating by releasing mods or updates, fixing bugs, making remasters, and more.Seriously, there should be a few messages popping up, otherwise I could have left it here for a long time.You can pop up a few important pieces of information, such as the listing and removal of the game console, or the listing and removal of the game.Be prepared for many unexpected changes as adding new things may lead to many unexpected changes

(A selfish motive: the grading system is ten-point)

(1 edit)

Just tried the new version, and oh my GOD it is so much better. I like the new UI and game concepts, such as adding a new office (15 employees was kinda weird to work with) and better competitiveness (not having all your games in the top ten). I also like the fact that you can't pump out AAA games at the same speed as tiny ones, and the games actually take time to be produced (instead of a few days where you can put out 10-15 AAA games at the exact same time over a week or two and get 100-200 M per week).

With all this being said, the only issue I've run into so far, is lag. I play on chromebook, so obviously it's gonna be super laggy, but after a certain point you can no longer run double speed without the computer crashing. This is a major bottleneck, however I absolutely love every other aspect and new feature added in this version.

I think a big step and new feature you should focus next on is marketing. I know I've been asking for this a lot, and I feel like dick making the suggestion considering this update just got released yesterday, but I do believe it will make it a lot more realistic and interesting.

I can't wait to see what else you'll come up with, as I've been playing it a ton already.

Edit: Also wondering why we still can't self publish games on consoles while other companies can

Also if you have any new playtest versions please send them to me:


I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed it! Admittedly, it’s not the most performant version. I made some changes to overcome a browser limitation where performance is throttled for battery optimization. However, in doing so, the game now runs several processes simultaneously, which significantly impacts computer performance. My next focus will be on optimization.

Regarding suggestions or ideas to enhance the game, I absolutely love it when players contribute! If you have any thoughts, please feel free to share them. I’ll prioritize creating marketing mechanics.

As for self-publishing on consoles, I checked, and unfortunately, if the platform only supports cartridge games, self-publishing isn’t an option. This particular aspect of the game dates back to an earlier version I created ages ago. I agree that the publishing mechanics need an update, and I’ll prioritize working on that.

I got an email this morning saying this game has been updated, I tried it and it's really great and could always be better but that's every game. If you want you can contact me on discord: chrisdo28

(1 edit)

Hello, we meet again.This time I mainly want to make a few suggestions.

1.Add marketing to the incident,This will make the game more playable.

2.Can you pop up a few messages while playing to make players feel excited.

3.A global market map can be added to make players more eager to play.

4.Players can make a DIC of a game after making it, instead of making another game.

That's what it is.This is translated by a translator so I don't know whether it is accurate or not. If there is a mistake, please forgive me.

If there is a version analysis, please help to send to this mailbox, I will come to play as soon as I have free



We are grateful for your suggestions and support for our game. Your ideas are clear and great. We will keep them in mind for our future updates. We hope you will playtest the new version when it’s ready.

Thank you very much. If you have a new version to test, please send it to my email.

Also, why are 2 of my games from 1979 still in the top 10 in 1993?

(1 edit)

My 1981 game was still #1 in 2004. Is 60 million copies a hard limit?

Hello! Thank you for your question. The sales of a game are fundamentally tied to the number of console units sold, as each game requires a console to be played. The maximum sales are theoretically capped at the total number of consoles. However, there’s a slight possibility for sales to exceed this limit if owners purchase replacement copies for lost or damaged ones, but such instances are relatively rare.

Fun game but way too easy. I've literally never had to worry about money, my first game already earned over 200K and my second game over a million. And this was with me just clicking a random genre and platform. After that I've been earning millions per game consistently.

You are right, the current version of the game is easy as we were focusing on solidifying the gameplay mechanics rather than adjusting difficulty. We appreciate your feedback and will take it into consideration as we develop future versions of the game.

Uhhhhh don't you know that's a big (ish) YouTuber if only he made a video though

Oh, well hopefully they give it another try when the game is more polished.

I don't know maybe if he sees this because version 2 well version point 2 has been released tech tree to see if you know what you're doing I mean just see the first post and you'll see what I'm talking about well depends on if you're viewing this the same day or not


Hello, here I come again.

Do you have any intention to move this game to our national game website?In terms of language, we will have sinicization.

If you have no intention, by the way, it is suitable to quit the Chinese version.

Hello! The game is still in early stages, and we're not planning on adding Chinese support just yet. We hope to include more languages after the full release, but we can't promise anything now. Keep an eye out for updates!

make it a bit more realistic like for instance atari in real life wouldn't instantly lish a small indie game its unrealistic

Certainly, we recognize that we may have simplified the process for the sake of playability, and we acknowledge that in real life, Atari wouldn't instantly publish a small indie game; it's unrealistic. Our goal is to strike a better balance between realism and ease of gameplay in the future.

oh ok can you also add 3d as an option(idk if this is an option last time i checked iwas on 1982)

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. As of the last version, 3D is not currently available as an option in the game. We appreciate your feedback, and we will add it to our to-do list for the next version.

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