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Hi! I want to see a feature implemented where PCs are one platform that gets better overtime.

Hi, I put it on my todo list.

Yeah that's a weak point after all there's only three and those are at the very beginning of the game (there might be a fourth later I can't quite remember after all my saves did get deleted)

Now that I'm thinking about it why don't we have like the PlayStation the Xbox like once you start making video game consoles yourself it could have another pop up like what kind of console do you want to create for your first and this won't be changeable until you unlock it and research which is only unlocked after three researches for that and these are like 100,000 research yes I know it sounds crazy but you already have two for 20,000


And don't forget to add things like toasters and cetera here's just some things that can be listed off ovens microwaves blenders those are for the kitchen of course TVs game consoles obviously

All my saves are gone after disabling (or maybe enabling?) the German mod for some reason it was enabled and now all my progress is gone

It’s probably the browser thinking there is not enough storage space, so I will delete the saves to make some. That’s my guess.

Considering that there were 15 I think saves that's honestly a good call lol

Dude, I was like, he is so pissed right now because the saves are gone. But 15 saves!

(1 edit) (+1)

Well most of them were just bankrupt saves make them Auto delete if they're bankrupt at least I handled it petty well

It’s still a problem. I will try to fix it. At the very least, it should notify you that there is no more storage space before nuking the saves.

Happened again because of all my testing XD

(1 edit)

For some reason, on my Ipad (Browser), there isn’t a way to access the actual game. It’s just the title screen. No matter what I click - nothing happens. There’s no start button, no clicking on the title, nothing. Can someone please help me? Or worst case scenario, can Rebellium please fix this bug?

Use Google Chrome it was developed for that one I'm sure Safari support is going to come eventually though

Alright. Thank you!

yes, safari, espcially on the ipad its really bad.

i have used it before a lot in version 1.3

i think it should get fixed, i will still test it on my ipad tomorrow.

you could probably try to use a different browser on the ipad.

i personally reccomend brave since it also has a strong adblocker.


Loans would sound good

(1 edit)

Just got finished with 1997 and it seems like the end of the since everything is discontinued but I think we could maybe continue it with imaginary future consoles. oh and in the beginning I like the idea that you will be able to choose your location location could be the difficulty setting that everybody's been asking for where you start normally that's easy mode I mean it is quite easy or normal mode it's pretty hard I guess and then hard mode could be Europe everything that sells there is reduced by let's say a factor of 1.5 but can be changed like could be 1.2 or maybe actually just 2 and then like extreme mode would be Africa like what video games are there in Africa not to be mean but they're pretty underdeveloped there and I guess : Factor definitely 2 with your beginning cash decreased plus maybe some other arbitrary reductions. easy could be Japan where you start or everything's like normal but Japan and you start in 1983 because that's when Nintendo released the famicon (for some reason Google thinks I'm spelling this wrong even though Google thinks ((in speech to text)) yeah this is a word 🤷) AKA Nintendo entertainment system sorry for the giant block of text which is just what I think could be expanding the game 

Great idea! I will probably expand the game into Europe and Japan first. I will try to fill in the gaps with more platforms between the 1970s and 2030s. It made me think, why not have more things happen after 2030? I won’t focus on that because it’s more speculative, but it’s an interesting idea.

you should look into the discord once, i think you would like to see al the ideas we have spun up in there (this beeing one of them just with a bit more detail. it would give quality changes in the products, change in what is liked in the country, change in the price for houses and way more.) 

the link to the post with all the countrie related ideas listed on discord :

you can support those ideas by giving them a like there and commenting on them to say what you think should be different or what you like.

when i click play, load, or mods, nothing happens, in console it says

0.DmAhf8Dp.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'apply') at console.debug (0.DmAhf8Dp.js:1:1407) at detectFunc (injection-tss.js?non2kowkffw5q66:1:1048) at t.<computed> [as pushState] (injection-tss.js?nonl2kowkffw5q66:1:371) at Y (entry.k-kwZ1fo.js:1:18583)

im on a windows and on google chrome. can anyone help me fix this?

That’s an old and unused part of the game. For it to run, some other part of the game must have called console.debug. The thing is, it can never happen. There could be an extension that has injected some code, or Chrome might have done something weird. I tested it on Windows Chrome, and it was working on my side.

So, is there a fix for this? I’m sorry, but I don’t think there is. Your best bet is to disable extensions or try the Windows version.


after disabling a few extensions. i managed to find out that it was my malwarebytes browser guard extension that was the cause. thanks!

I made 80% of the video game market text-based racing games now I'm just going to make the ultimate game also racing. soon the video game market is just going to be me making racing games

(1 edit) (+1)

Rq, small suggestion, make it save when you press exit to main menu

Ok so I dont want to sound dumb, but i'm struggling to make any money what so ever, anyone have any tips to getting started? I played before the last major update and found it easier then, but yeah im suddenly really bad and have no idea how to play :)

(1 edit)

Try making really small games at first, crank the graphics to the lowest they will go and then add as many other features as you can, then spend ALL your money on marketing. Good luck, and God speed 

(Also continue spending lots of money on marketing after the game has been out for a while, I made a game from 1978 earn 80 million dollars in 1994 by spending lots of money on marketing),

Edit: The game got updated apparently, maybe this isn't the ultimate guide then, I have not played the new update yet. whoops

The game let me continue a game where I went bankrupt with $4,000 in the bank when I'm pretty sure I would have negative money

The game lets you continue if you have money, But going bankrupt when you have $4,000?! Well that's a bug.


Well we know it's going bankrupt with a positive amount because it continues on to the next day


I love this update! Things I would like seen added or changed: 

  1. Loans, this game has became a bit harder than versions prior, so if maybe you could take out a loan (up to a million for example), then if you are not able to pay it back in like 6 months, you’ll lose like double the amount you took out.
  2. If you go bankrupt, you can go back maybe a week before you got bankrupt if the hardness of the game stays
  3. Extra superspeeding the game up while you’re not making games or researching
  4. Longer time that ads stay up
  5. I’m not exactly sure what you can do, but if you can fix the bug where on safari you can’t play the game
  6. Maybe you can negotiate with a publisher to be able to take a game off sale if you’re not making any money from it but the publisher is still keeping it up
  7. And finally, if your game is put up by a publisher, then you could maybe negotiate changing prices or royalties

is there a way to cancel license does it end when they stop making it or does it charge you infinitely ??   

There isn’t any way to cancel the license, but you only get charged annually if the platform is still on the market. When the platform discontinues, nothing will be charged.

Does hiring  employee while already working on game have an effect on development speed? I'm really not sure, because researches were faster, but game development...

Research queue not quite intuitive, sometimes when you start new one, they apper after existing ones, and sometimes they take priority. Maybe it should be just in "First in-first out" order?

Hiring more employees should boost the development or research speed. Also, there is not any priority, it really depends on which project or research comes before the other one in memory.

Deleted 46 days ago


idk if your planning on this or if in the game Bc I have not played to far in 

But what if later on in the tech tree you could unlock the ability to do multiple genres at once, like for the first upgrade you would unlock two at once and then the second one could be 3 at once. once you have multiple genres  you can select the amount that you have unlocked (2-3)

and a slider would pop up and would chose how to evenly divide 100% into the genres you selected.


or  (35% Adventure-35% Puzzle-30 Racing) 

-Also more genres 

It’s planned for the next major update.

(2 edits) (+1)

Lets Go, Keep working hard your game is great!  :)

btw statistics page so I can check like total money made and lost and stuff like that would be to show of to friends.  


(2 edits) (+1)

I like the game so far and have suggestions:

I agree with requests to have a "make time go even faster than the fast button" button, and theorange4's comments about revamping the employee screen.

After I click the button to hire a new employee, I'd like to have the new hire's stats show up in a popup window or smth with "Keep or Axe" buttons since right now I have to click on them (after scrolling down a long list if I have a bunch of employees) and decide whether they're worthy. If you think it would help add a strategy element, maybe you could have a finite labor pool and if you Axe someone they're gone for good, so players can't just reject anyone with less than 20 stat points. With new potential hires gradually trickling in over time if you exhaust the labor pool.

I'd like to be able to ditch a project or a research track if it's becoming clear it will take forever, or the console gets discontinued, or just because I feel like it.

I also ran into the bug where if I go back to the main menu and then continue a game, time doesn't start until I go to a submenu (make a new game, research, or smth) and then come back to the top level gameplay screen.

In the plots of game sales on the top level screen, I'd like to see numbers for current monthly revenue and units sold (not just plots without y-axis scale indicators).

Also, in this game I made a gamejam game in 2 days with text-only graphics at lowest possible quality and no advertising and it was a multimillion dollar smash. I want to find the place this game world is based on.

I will consider your suggestion for the next update. The game needs another revamp, some players find it super easy to make millions, while others ask me to lower the difficulty. I have fixed that bug, although it will be some time before the next version is out.


I agree with everything that 3p0ch said. But personally, I think that the game is too easy, I am at 1.08B right now, and have only released 6 games and all my games have more than 25 million units sold, one of them has 135 million units sold. Also, the research page is a little annoying because unless you hover over the item, you don't know if you have researched it already, there should be some sort of overlay or sprite that shows you it has been unlocked.

the news section is also not very clear, there should be notifications that well tell you important news

there also should be achievements, so the player gets a better sense of progression and achievement.

Well I have some with 10 billion that means some people had to buy it twice there's only 8 billion people in the world not even counting that I'm in the year 200_

(2 edits)

Ha, you're assuming that every person on earth has one of the consoles that can play the game. But the most units of one console sold (That I have seen) Is about 25 million, so if you get the amount of games you sold to that console (10 Billion) and divide it by the amount of consoles (25 million) then you get about 400 copies of the game per console.... I guess its a pretty good game if each person buys it about 400 times.

Yes but I was being extra generous but just imagine "why are you buying your 400th copy like you have 399 like come on you spent almost $1,000 on these!"

Can you make it so that you can update your game?

Sure, sequels and franchises are planned. Maybe in the next major update?

Can you make this a little easier? Or atleast add a difficulty level?

I highly recommend starting with smaller games, otherwise, your first playthrough will probably end in bankruptcy.


I’m not exactly sure if I’m doing something wrong or if this is intentional, but being a Mac user, I cannot download this to play on my computer, or play this on web, as when I open up the game, the only things that show up is the name of the game, audio, full screen, and language buttons, there is no start or play button so I can play. If you can possibly fix that, that would be great!

That’s not intentional; it’s definitely a bug. Unfortunately, I don’t own a Mac to test it on Safari. It could be something with the WebKit browser engine. I will try to fix it somehow. However, if you are able to, I would love to see some screenshots or peek around the developer tools of the browser to check if the buttons are actually there but fall outside of the view or are hidden.


Use google chrome. I am on a Mac, I had the same problem, then I changed to chrome, and now it works. 

Deleted 50 days ago

There is a research page, there you can select a feature to research

Oh nice I was seeing people talking about researching and I was just like "where in the world is that argggggggg"


Good game but got boring after like an hour or two cause you can just release like the same exact thing (text graphic, multiplayer, collision and some other things I can't remember) on Ataru 2600 with a large publisher and just dominate the entire market. 

I'm not sure exactly how you can fix this problem though, perhaps if you sell the game with more or less the same specs, there's going to be a negative modifier? 

Well they can't really do that because once you max out you're just going to put the best things having a negative modifier for that plus you're probably making new storylines


The days move way too slowly: I'm always putting the game on fast forward and it still feels 5x too slow.


I just gotta say. Last night, I accidentally spent 4 hours playing this game. I think it's a lot of fun and it seriously has potential. I would make a few suggestions for improvement. 

1. The researching aspect should get paced a little better. Certain things, let's say 3D graphics or basic fluid dynamics, should only become unlockable when a console to support the feature exists. I basically had everything completed for research well before systems came out to support the features. I would suggest pacing it so you can only research certain things when you have access to consoles that can reasonably support those features. 

2. In the team management menu, is there a way you could sort employees into different sections based on their roles in the company? One section for all your artists, another for programmers, another for directors, etc. After about 20 or so employees, it becomes a bit unmanageable to comb through the list of employees to see how many of each role I have. The team skills above does help a little bit, but when employees can have overlapping skill sets, it can be difficult to tell who is contributing to what specifically. After all, almost any major company has a system to split their team into various departments to track them easier. I got to a point where I was actually looking to fire employees who weren't productive enough and finding them wasn't easy. 

3. Kind of related to that. This is a small quality of life thing, but when you do click on an employee in the team management section, is there a way you could have their stats displayed next to their name instead of always at the top of the screen? My company currently has 130 employees, and it gets frustrating having to constantly scroll up and down on the page to see their stats. 

4. Is there a way to implement even faster fast forwarding? With some of the more complex games, it feels like it takes way too long to make them. I think including another fast forward for even faster progression could help. 

Again, I really do like this game. These are just a few things I would suggest to make the game even better. :)


You have good points. I have heard some of these suggestions on Discord too. Rest assured, I will do something about it when a new version comes out. Join the Discord if you haven’t, I would love to hear your feedback when the beta versions are released on Discord.


Also seems like a weird bug happened where I returned to my game several hours later, and when I hit play, it didn't do anything. Didn't make progress on any games in development. Didn't show any sales for launched games. Didn't even deduct rent or employee salaries when the month rolled over. I cleared it by starting another game. 


thats interesting since it is a bug that was fixed once or twice alrady....

(1 edit) (+1)

great game

Where is a good place to look for mods?

Discord is the place, but all the mods at the moment are language translations. Other kinds of mods were planned, but they haven’t made it into the game yet.

(1 edit)

Hmmmmmm mayhaps make them playable on browser for people with worse computers, or people who have so many other games that they can't download it UPDATE: the language mods are now built in

You mean the mods, right? Well, having full mod support on the web version is going to be difficult. Browsers just make it hard to do mods. Currently, even a simple thing like a language mod has to be hosted on a server somewhere so that the web version can install and use it. As for storage space concerns, the game still needs to download and install it somewhere, so it’s using your storage space. Mods are a few kilobytes at the moment.


maybe we can upload the mods like the save file just as a zip? i have seen other webpages doo that (an emulator)


Love the update, just a few suggestions (not sure what you have planned already of this).

I think the time to make bigger games feels too long, and the ability to research is too short. The nintendo is out and I already have everything researched, just feels a bit early, but I also start a medium sized game and it takes 10 minutes in real time with fastforward on to complete, maybe a faster fastforward could solve this?

Hiring good employees is tedious with no downside for just hiring and firing until you find someone with good stats. It's also not very hard to not need to care about money after one game that you just dump all your money into advertising for.

I think having the notifications pop up instead of needing to click to see when a console comes out would also be effective.

I think it'd be cool if research additions also gave unique bonuses for using them, maybe you can research certain engine tools that will make certain additions take less time to implement.

Overall, I like the changes and look forward to what you have in store.

maybe some research things could be locked behind a time wall, but at least for ingame time it is realistic to take a long time to make AAA games i think.

like nintendo also takes a year or even more to make a AAA game

It's moreso the real time that it takes, not the ingame time

Deleted 58 days ago

I’m not sure what kind of browser or device you are using, so this might be a bug or a problem with that specific browser. After clicking “Start Game,” try entering developer mode in your browser by pressing F12 or CTRL + Shift + I. In the console tab, there might be an error message explaining what went wrong. If there is an error, you can report it on Discord or here so I can fix it.

If you don’t see any error messages in the browser’s developer mode, try changing your browser or using a different device. I know these are not ideal solutions, but without knowing the underlying problem, I can’t assist you further. Let me know about any progress.

Hey, can I make a Reddit community for this game? Please


Hi, I created a subreddit named r/TechGiants. Would you like to become a moderator?

cool, now we even have reddit


i decided to link the discord server in the reddit


the subreddit is for now reason banned

yeah I saw that. weird.

it was because i posted a link and reddit didn’t like that…

it is unbanned now



(1 edit) (+1)

if any Germans may move here, Ich grusse euch. 

in unserem discord server giebt es eine deutsch ubersetzung.

(mods funktionieren nur in der heruntergeladenen windows verison)


One problem right now is a game can generate infinite sales from a platform. Maybe add a system that compares the number of games sold to the number of copies of the platform sold and decreases the number of sales in the day by that amount?

Hi Tankey, this is a well known problem. It’s on my to do list to fix. Thanks for the feedback.


Hey I think that system is in the game tho, it only breaks when you use advertising otherwise the sales of a game never exceed the sales of the console

You are right, it’s in the game. Although the simulations are not watertight, you can still break the game, especially when it comes to advertising. There have been some improvements to mitigate this issue. You can check the open beta versions on Discord to see the difference.

I just imagine it like they're so hyped up that they buy it not even noticing they don't have the game console or that they bought a port of it

Actually about this ports could be really good Plus reviews like you have to develop your own storyline and if it doesn't make sense you'll get low reviews but if it does higher and a little rarely you can get plus one star randomly this can't stack

The rarely is not the only way to get pretty good five-star reviews make a storyline that makes a ton of sense when you really think about it maybe add some foreshadowing and boom five star reviews have them appear every month or so as an average and that's for next month of sales

is there a discord there we can talk easier

Hi Chris, I’ve just created a Discord server. You can join it here.

(2 edits)

are or will the old versions be available to download as well? 

 i wonder how it changed and how it looked before i first played it.

also, do you have a discord server for this game or something? 

or maybe a telegram group ?

(im sorry for all the comments btw, it is almost only me…)

No, the older versions are not available for download, but I might still have screenshots of them. I’ve also created a Discord server, which you can join here (Discord Link). I will share the screenshots on Discord when I find them.


Este jogo tem muito potencial e estou ansioso para jogá-lo 10/10

observação. Adorei o design inovador do jogo

and it will probably only continue to get better, i think the next  update will be amazing. i wonder what will be added :)


i will start the request, we can make one respond thread with the awnsers of long term players. 

i am living in Switzerland (altough im currently in japan for 1 year because of my student exchange.

i think i can consider myself a long term player

I was wondering how Japanese fits into the mix. I rarely come across a polyglot, so it’s nice to know the backstory.


i wonder from witch countries the player base mostly comes?

i am so hyped for the update, i check the game almost every day!

good luck with development :)

(1 edit)

I believe most of the game traffic comes from the US, Canada, Germany, UK, Australia, and Brazil. Although the analytics information is limited, I’m not sure if these are the countries where long term players come from (Anyone who has played the game for more than 4 hours). If anyone is a long term Tech Giants player, please do leave a comment. I would love to know where you are from.

interesting to hear, i started a post where all the long term players can write their nationalities.

i wonder what will bbedit considered a long term player? 

10-20 hours or to come back after a few days? 

or maybe even just having multiple runs.

well who knows.


Players who spend 10 to 20 hours and complete multiple playthroughs could be considered lifelong fans of Tech Giants. As a developer, discovering players like yourself feels somewhat magical.

this made me smile :)

its me again, i’ve returned.

some time ago a user said something about a bug that makes him go bankkrupt, i have found it, when you start a new game after playing one round already (and bought the office) you keep that office and the 100k per month cost. 

so play, get the big office. press go to home menu and start a new game, the office will stay.

one can work around / Avoide it by refreshing the web page.                         the save wont be lost and the bug does not occur. 

(have not tested on windows because i am in school )

Thank you! You pinpointed exactly where the bug might occur. It’s always the save system, maybe I should stop taking shortcuts when writing code.

(2 edits)

your welcome, it took quite the time to figure out as well :)

but its better than doing nothing and i had fun playing the game so a win win i guess.

and again, thanks for the nice game. i would have been bored manny hours without it.  (and i enjoy finding bugs and breaking the game too)

maybe i can make a Japanese translation at some point and test out the mod support. or i could try to make a german port (my native language) i would only need to figure out how to write the file that the game could use it.

Sounds great, although I would advise waiting a bit longer before creating mods. I might make some changes that could break mod support and backwards compatibility.

okay, i will wait

Windows version is almost identical to the Web version, you won't need to test it.


i will test it anyways when i have the chance, its not that much work anyways


i tested id, its the same. 

i found a new bug tough, i don’t know how it happened yet.

i pressed some things and did some things with the home screen and save and then i had nan money with nan as every number.

(1 edit)

NaN is not a number so yeah sometimes the computer can just mess up and...NaN

Yeah this was slowing me down a lot in my second run after I went bankrupt I was like what in the world is causing this to happen and then I figured it out all by myself yay me for figuring out something who someone figured out 2 months ago woooooooo

(3 edits)

i have now cracked the 40 hour mark, any one with more time on this game?

(i will stop for some time since i have reached everything  (i think))

something small that i noticed missing for me in this legit run is that i can’t see the number of games sold for games that aren’t in the top 10.

i soul appreciate a feature (a second graph or a button that changes the graph) to see the numbers of copies sold in an specific time window (like the revenue) and also to see the in total sold  copies


Understood, thank you.

the fastest i can doo to get to 1b with 2 total games is 15 february 1979 

i sold 28 million copy’s for the pem

maybe this is useful to you?

i also made  500k with a text based game without sound on the ataru and no ads, 0 hype.

i don’t know how good for gameplay it would be to make it that for example text based games aren’t good on the ataru (maybe in an realistic difficulty)

this one ^ i specifically talk about here because its not the technical aspect of the console that can’t doo it but just that it probably wouldn’t be that liked based on the fact that the thing has a controller.

(besides there would be a feature to make your own accessories of course)

i think it would also be interesting to be able to open a publishing service like to be able to publish games on consoles yourself if you doo that and maybe even publish other games under your name. (i hope i’m not saying that twice)

much love out of school , enderlais / hbanana. 

ps : don’t take the critique personally please, i’m only trying to look at the game  objectifly and trying to talk about bugs and realism points, i think what you have done here is wonderful, so please let me know how you feel about it and if i should stop pr was rude by accident, i don’t wanna be rude.

You’ve raised some excellent points. I must admit that I had overlooked the idea of incorporating different types of companies, such as publishers, game developers, and semiconductor manufacturers. While these won’t be included in the next version, I hope to introduce them in future updates. Initially, I focused on game development, but eventually, players will have the opportunity to run various types of companies.

I genuinely appreciate any feedback, whether positive or negative. Constructive criticism helps identify areas for improvement and enhances the overall gaming experience. Please feel free to share your experiences, I value them all!


nice to hear that the different features will come in the future, it makes total sense to focus on one thing for the time being and make that really good first, well balanced and feature rich. 

it’s better to release one complete and high quality feature  (i refer to the whole game making part as a feature)  then multiple, poorly optimized features.

so i think it’s a good idea to polish the game making mechanics first before implementing the rest.

will there be interaction between the different companies?

i’m sorry for going do much in detail all the time and writing such long comments Xp


I was thinking of allowing players to manage multiple companies at once, similar to having a holding company. Players could also interact with other companies or competitors, making deals or selling their own companies. For now, I’ll keep the scope limited, but hopefully, these ideas will make it into the game in the future.

this sounds amazing this has grate potential!


this concept is kinda like the game i’ve always wanted but didn’t exist. i hope that it will all work out

Hey sorry to reply again but about that multiple company point in the beginning could you have it so that you could select all the different companies so I can instead of beginning as a game developer you could run a factory for example or maybe be inspired by the iPhone and start creating phones beginning around 2007 things that make sense like that now that we're starting the form a little bit of a story

Yes, absolutely. That’s the plan. I just hope I can create more content in time to ship the next version with factories and hardware development.

Yeah although the tease was a bit early with the whole hardware development skill like employee that you could hire


As for how much money you’ve made or how many units you’ve sold, I can tell that you’ve cracked the code. However, I believe I should rework the game mechanics a little and make it a tad bit more difficult. What do you think?


i think it’s a grate idea to make the game more challenging (as long it stays somewhat realistic)  

i love having challenges, it makes a game more fun in my opinion.

i think it could take quite a bit of difficulty more since with that technique of mine  it takes almost no skill or time to “beat” the game.

if it gets to hard for other players i would recommend making it possible to choose the difficulty. (like maybe a harder ai or a more difficult to enter market especially as a self publisher)

will there be more detailed game design in the future. Like for example choosing what aspects get more importance and development ( like more engine or more graphics). i’m looking forward to how this turned out.

but i agree, make this game more difficult. i am looking forward to the challenge.

i wonder if we will get an update next month…

or a dev log, i wonder how you are and what is happening with the game at the moment .

(or its a secret of course)


The development progress for the next update has been slow. I was busy with college and my final exams. Hopefully, I will have more time to work on it in June.


nice, i didn’t know you where in collage. i wish you good luck with these exams. 

i don’t wanna pressure you into working on this game, take your time  and go at your pace. i’m just a silly user.

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